Ulrich Zalfen – Chartered Engineer

Technical expert in accordance with § 53 AwSV
of the SOG e.V. (NLWKN 52-24/02)

Marktstraße 61a
D-50968 Köln

Mobile: +49 173 3664909

As a technical business consultant, engineer and inspector, I work all over Germany. My clients are companies that appreciate working with me on an equal footing, despite the high pressure of competition and regulatory requirements. I don’t want to make anyone dependent on me, but I also want to remain independent myself. I have focused my work on protecting my clients’ autonomy and their capacity to act.

Reliability is non-negotiable: no two projects are the same and every project deserves individual attention. In order to be able to provide my consulting services reliably, cost-effectively and to the highest quality, I precede every order commitment with a personal preliminary discussion. This is where we answer questions about costs, liability and the nature of the collaboration. The mutual answers have a considerable influence on the pricing and cannot be replaced by a written inquiry, no matter how comprehensive.

Zuverlässigkeit ist nicht verhandelbar!

Technical Consulting
(With the time-capsule principle)

Have you had any time-consuming and cost-intensive experiences with legal requirements for technical installations, communication with public authorities, approval processes or similar challenges?
I have made it my task to find the best economical and technical solution for your company.

How does that work?

IFirst I analyse your own specific requests (Best Case) and the existing risks (Worst Case), then the technical and economic requirements and the legal conditions. We then compile this information in an agenda. If necessary, I take a look at existing plans and documents, interview company employees and examine the appropriate facilities.
I communicate and negotiate with authorities, consult with company employees and test the technical feasibility and cost efficiency.
While the project is running I prepare a comprehensive report and provide concrete recommendation for action. Technical, economical, ecologically sensible and safe.

Technische Unternehmensberatung: Zeitkapsel
Technische Unternehmensberatung

In order to optimize your business agility I take stock of the measures undertaken in the past and create a basis for evaluation which enables you to take better decisions on current and future developments.

Zalfen: Green arrowIn this process all information is discussed and documented so that the relevant data is readily available at any time irrespective of the circumstances even in the future as if it were inside a time capsule.

Technische Unternehmensberatung

What is a time capsule?

The items and information are placed in a durable container to protect them from any environmental influences for many years and can be recovered in the future. In some time capsules not only contemporary documents but also specific explanations and instructions can be stored.

Zalfen: green arrow This idea has inspired me to construct my consulting services in the same principle.

Incident drills

Zalfen Störfallübung
Zalfen Störfallübung

Why an incident drill?

  • Legal necessity
  • Averting environmental hazards

No one wants to experience an incident that he, as the person responsible, cannot control.

Practicing incidents in different scenarios is therefore not only useful because of the known legal requirements. Mastering stressful situations in a playful way, learning new skills and recognizing potential weaknesses in plant operation – before a real incident! – are further advantages for employees and operators, to which I attach particular importance.

To achieve this reliably, I plan the implementation for each exercise scenario according to your individual needs.

I document this with a certificate upon successful completion of the incident exercise.

Objectives and benefits of the incident exercise

  1. environmental protection
  2. safety of employees and equipment
  3. improve action instructions, teamwork and processes
  4. permanent operational safety
  5. reduce liability risk
  6. improve attractiveness as an employer
  7. reputation protection
  8. proof of training for authorities
  9. Internal disclosure of vulnerabilities
Zertifikat Störfallübung Muster


  • SGL Carbon AG
  • Eaton Industries GmbH
  • Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH
  • Radisson Hospitality, Inc., USA
  • Rheinland Raffinerie
  • TGK Tanklagergesellschaft Köln
  • Fleischhof Rasting GmbH
  • Aviation Fuel Services GmbH
  • Saint-Gobain Glass Deutschland GmbH
  • Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH
  • Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli GmbH
  • Dipl.- Ing. Scherzer GmbH
  • Bayer AG


  • Technical Consulting
  • Testing of technical facilities
  • Liaising with authorities
  • German networking with consulting engineers
  • AwSV Expert
  • Chartered Engineer
Zalfen: Kompetenzen

Consulting and Testing in accordance with AwSV

(AwSV => Ordinance on Installations for the handling of Substances Hazardous to Water)

As a consultant I focus on the company preferences and opportunities.

As an inspector the requirements laid down by laws, ordinances and technical regulations provide the benchmark for my work. It is also quite clear that usually much more than just professional competence or knowledge of legal requirements is necessary. It is of utmost importance that mutual understanding between the authorities and the plant operators exists.

That is why I have focussed on purposeful communication since 2001

Successful Communication

Successful communication – successful operation

Consulting in accordance with AwSV

  1. Consulting on new and existing plants*
  2. Consulting on approval processes (also on those already started)
  3. Communication with respective authorities
  4. Planning and building supervision (supporting engineering and architect offices)
  5. Completion of expertise for the determination of suitability according to § 63 WHG (German Water Resources Act)
  6. Completion of expertise for the exemption from requirements of the determination of suitability according to § 41 AwSV (Ordinance on Installations for the handling of Substances Hazardous to Water)
  7. Completion of operating instructions according to § 44 AwSV
  8. Comprehensible documentation of consulting services

The aim of the consulting service is to implement the ideas of the operator, to guarantee failure-free operation of the plant and to facilitate future approval processes. All aspects of the process are observed and brought into consideration depending on requirements. Thus we can achieve the desired goal in mutual agreement:

Technical. Economical. Environmentally safe.

Inspection in accordance with AwSV

  1. Test AwSV

The test takes place at the plant site. After viewing all of the existing documents covering the plant the facilities are inspected personally. Its condition is documented and all features relevant to the inspection are collected. This data is later evaluated in the test report:

  • Is the function correct?
  • Is the facility leak-proof?
  • Is the documentation complete?
  • Is visible damage recognizable?
  • Are maintenance tests performed regularly and well documented?

A defect-free inspection report is necessary for the official approval and for the continued operation permit. This report states clearly and understandably that the plant can be operated under safe conditions.
The accompanying commissioning test of the plant in cooperation with a suitable expert planner (consultant) is possible with the Federal Republic of Germany.
Inspection criteria are inter alia: WHG, AwSV and technical regulations (TRwS, DIBt, DIN and EN standards).

WHG: German Water Resources Act
AwSV: Ordinance on Installations for the handling of Substances Hazardous to Water
TRwS: Technical Rules for Substances Harmful to Water
DIBt: German Institute for Construction Technology
DIN: German Institute for Standardization
EN: European Norm Standard

* Operations for which I have provided consulting services may not be inspected by me for legal reasons. And vice versa. The dual-control-principle applies here. Therefore I cooperate within Germany with independent inspectors and consultants who fulfil this task conscientiously.


These plants and plant components make up the subject of my work. The regulations, by which I inspect and advise are listed thematically so that you can gain your first impression:

  • Filling areas: cars, trucks, Ad-Blue and TKW fuelling areas
  • Distant filling tank, storage tanks, piping
  • Restraining devices
  • Safety devices: Filling limit indicator (overfill prevention sensor), leakage detection system, leakage display system, filling level indicator, safety devices against siphoning out.
  • Dispensing facilities
  • Ad-Blue fuelling
  • Plant description, operating instructions, operating manual, supervision plan

DWA A 781 Filling stations for motor vehicles,
DWA A 782 Rail vehicles,
DWA A 783 Water vessels,
DWA A 784 Aircraft

  • Lining, coating, biogas container, fermenter, secondary fermenter, central store for the fermented substrate, input bunker, silo bunker, solid manure plate, silage silo, slurry tank, slurry drain, leakage detection system, silage effluent container, joints, leakage checks, operating instructions , exposure classes
  • Biogas, solid manure, silage, fermentation residues, fermentation liquid, fermented substrate, slurry, silage effluent, silage liquid

DWA A 792 JGS Plants,
DWA A 793 Biogas Plants,
DIN 11622-2 Biogas Containers,
DIN 11622-5 Silage Silo

  • Storage tanks
  • Pipelines: Oil pipelines, detachable joints
  • Restraining devices
  • Conveying unit
  • Safety devices: (limit indicator, overfill prevention sensor, filling level indicator, Leakage detection system, filling level indicator, safety devices against siphoning out)
  • Burner
  • Data sheet on operating and safety rules

DWA A 791-1 Installation, operating requirements and decommissioning of fuel oil consumer installations
DWA A 791-2 Requirements for existing fuel oil consumer installations

  • DWA-A 779: General Technical Regulations
  • DWA-A 780-1: Above-ground pipelines – pipelines made of metallic materials
  • DWA-A 780-2: Above-ground pipelines – pipelines made of glass fibre reinforced, duroplastic materials
  • DWA-A 781: Filling stations for motor vehicles
  • DWA-A 785: Determination of restraining volume and following up to the effective completion of suitable safety precautions – R1 –
  • DWA-A 786: Installation of sealing surfaces
  • DWA-A 787: Waste water plants as retention tanks
  • DWA-A 789: Existing underground pipelines
  • DAfStb-Regulation: Concrete construction when dealing with water-hazardous materials (BUmwS)
  • LöRüRL: Regulation on the measurement of fire extinguishing water retention tanks when storing water-hazardous materials
  • StawaR: Regulations on the requirements for steel with a capacity of 1000 litres

Leakage Testing
Using the Zalfen testing system:

I have developed a system to measure the leakproofness of large tanks for liquid substances and which can reliably prove any hidden leakages in the containers. Using a special arrangement the various probes indicate the filling levels and other environmental influences.

The data recording runs over several day by itself. Using a selection of comparative data comparisons can then be made and technical and mathematical calculations of the data then takes place. Finally, a test report with precise recommendations for further action is prepared and a forecast for the future of the installation is given.

The development of this system was originally based on the requests of my clients to have a reliable measuring method for the water-hazardous substances. The following comic illustrates why this is so important.

For a safe operation, satisfied supervisory authorities and a less polluted environment.

Zalfen Ingenieur Comic English 01
Zalfen Ingenieur Comic English 02
Erfolgreiche Kommunikation


  • aquasolum Planungsgesellschaft mbH / Inh. Dipl. Ing. Andreas Timmes
    Henrichenburger Str. 173a
    45665 Recklinghausen
    Telephone: (+49) 2361 40 97 40 – 0
    Telefax: (+49) 2361 40 97 40 – 1
    Mobile: (+49) 163 8 05 67 71
    E-Mail: info@aquasolum.de

„The aquasolum Planungsgesellschaft mbH is a reliable and long-term partner. My colleague Andreas Timmes puts his focus on planning and expertise services in the field of AwSV and drainage systems.“

  • envisafe EXPERTS GmbH & Co. KG / vertreten durch Pieter Tienstra
    Daimlerstr. 6
    45891 Gelsenkirchen
    Telephone: (+49) 209 70 26 35 15
    Telefax: (+49) 209 70 26 33 78
    E-Mail: info@envisafe-experts.de
    Website: envisafe-experts.de

„As a state-approved expert organisation envisafe EXPERTS GmbH & Co. KG supports its members with seminars and courses in the field of technical environmental protection.“

  • Gesellschaft für Informationslogistik / Inh. Dipl.-Ing. Herrmann Kagerer
    Dessauerstr. 9
    80992 München
    Telephone: (+49) 89-14 90 95-0
    Telefax: (+49) 89-14 90 95-95
    Mobile (+49) 171-240 42 04
    skype: kagererhermann
    E-Mail: hermann.kagerer@aerolog.com
    Website: www.aerolog.com

„Mr Kagerer has comprehensive knowledge of industrial safety regulations. We complement each other in the testing of biogas plants in operational safety (BetrSichV- Kagerer and AwSV – Zalfen).“